Saturday, July 16, 2011

Commitment of Traders (COT) Reports - 07/12/2011

It's actually been months since my last post. Although I update my own charts every week, I haven't found the energy or the time needed to upload them. However since I can see that people still visit this blog, and I hope they do because they find the data useful, I feel more motivated to keep it up to date.

So, here are the COT reports released yesterday, July 15th, containing data as of July 12th.

Ashraf Laidi

A couple of weeks ago I was walking back to my office after having lunch. Right on the corner of Wall St and Broad (across the street from the NYSE) I saw a man I immediately recognized. It was no other than Ashraf Laidi, Forex Guru per excellence. I have been following Ashraf's blog and countless tweets and TV/Web appearances for a couple of years now and I always find them insightful and educational. So as you can imagine I was quite happy to run into him on (quite literally) "The Street".

I rudely interrupted him in the middle of a phone conversation to shake his hand and say hello. Mr. Laidi was kind enough to invite me to sit for a coffee at a Starbucks near by and I, of course, said yes. During the next 30 minutes we talked about so many different topics and he told me about his new venture and ideas about the market.

Despite being 100% technical trader, as he himself told me, Mr. Laidi's is probably most known for his unique Inter Market analysis in which he uses intricate market relations to predict price trends in specific markets.

If you haven't checked out his site or tweeter page you certainly should.
Thanks Ashraf for being generous with your time and entertaining my questions!